Life with braces

Eating with Braces

You will need to take special care to avoid any foods that could damage your new appliances:

- Crunchy or hard foods– popcorn, ice, hard candy

- Sticky foods—caramels, taffy, chewing gum, (you can chew sugarless gum)

- Foods that require biting into: apples, carrots ( you can eat if cut in bite size pieces), corn on the cob (cut off cobb)

Soreness Caused From Braces and Appliances

When you first get your braces, you may notice that your teeth and mouth feel a little tender or sore. This is perfectly normal and should improve over the next 3-5 days. If the discomfort is too uncomfortable, we recommend Tylenol or Advil (consult your physician or pediatrician).

Massage your gums around the sore teeth to relieve tenderness.

Brackets can cause irritation to the lips or cheeks. If this occurs, place wax over the offending bracket. You can use warm salt water rinses to clean and heal the tender areas.

Loose or Mobile Teeth

If your teeth begin to feel a little loose, don’t worry, this is normal! Your braces must move your teeth into the right position. Once your teeth have been repositioned, they will no longer be loose.


Use more care when brushing your teeth. Cavities will not form under the bands and brackets, but they will form around them. Use a soft bristle toothbrush to clean teeth and massage gums. If your gums become red or puffy, brush them more frequently and ask us for suggestions to improve your home care.

Taking care of your appliances

Damaged appliances can increase the length of your treatment process, so be sure to take care of all your appliances. Your teeth and jaw can only move into their correct positions if you consistently wear the elastics, headgear, retainer or other appliances prescribed by your doctor.

Playing sports with braces

You can still play sports while undergoing orthodontic treatment. If you do play sports, it’s recommended that you wear a mouth guard to protect your teeth and your appliances. Let our office know if you need help in finding the right mouth guard for the best protection.